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Canine DHPPL Vaccine


(per 1dose)

DHPP vaccine (lyophilized live vaccine)

- Canine Distemper attenuated virus (TCO-D strain)
- Canine Infectious Hepatitis attenuated virus (TCO-H strain)
- Canine Parvovirus attenuated virus (CPV-GC strain) 
- Canine Parainfluenza attenuated virus (CPI-GC strain)
Leptospira vaccine (inactivated liquid vaccine)
- Leptospira canicola 
- Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae 


---------------------------------- 18%

---------------------------------- 10%

---------------------------------- 24%

---------------------------------- 18%

---------------------------------- 10

---------------------------------- 10



Dosage and Administration

- Dosage : 1ml/dose, IM (Intramuscular) or SC (subcutaneous) injection
- Administration :

1st vaccination : 5~6 weeks old
2nd vaccination : 8~9 weeks old
3rd vaccination : 11~12 weeks old
Revaccination : once a year

Storage and Expiry

- Storage : 2~8°C and avoid direct sunlight
- Expiry : 24 months from manufactured date


DHPP vac 1 dose/vial and Lepto vac 1 dose/vial

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